I kinda like this place. Most people came here for hiking, teambuilding, vacation, etc. This place is well-organized but visitors have to go through 15 minutes journey of ermm... plantation area “kelapa sawit and tanah merah + u definitely need to go for a carwash after the trip... :)” before they will reach Taman Negara Johor. People say that Taman Negara Pahang is bigger. Btw, I did saw a few tree names in Malay language which I find it ermm... funny I should say. Examples are “sial menahan”, “keledang tampang bulu”, “geronggang”, “panah arjuna”, “tutup bumi”, “tunjuk langit”, “pecah periuk”, “setawar halia”, etc. In Taman Negara Johor, tourist can visit the ‘Taman Herba’, ‘Taman Periuk Kera’, and they do have a lookout point in which you have to walk for 5 hours to reach there. I find that the chalets are quite nice and many companies did their teambuilding at Taman Negara Johor. =P~`
Taman Negara Johor Signboard~
Visitors will have to go through this plantation area first before arriving at Taman Negara Johor
Taman Negara Johor
Going in~
The registration counter~
Coffee anyone? =P~
The small waterfall
Taman Periuk Kera
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