Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Twilight Book Review

Aside from Harry Potter (I’ve read all 7 books and the books was fun to read! and the new movie wasn’t that nice for me... sleepyhead, I’ve read the books so what da heck aite??... huhuH~), I’ve started to read Stephenie Meyer’s books starting from twilight. I just finished reading the 1st book actually. Sgt slow... T_T... haiH~ It took me 6 weeks to finish reading 1 book. Can I use the excuse of currently working?? Ehee~

The 1st book ‘twilight’ was OK to read for me (maybe becos I’ve seen the movie first then only read the book). Although the story line is a bit slow, I just took my own pace and own sweet time to read lorrr. I like the phrase “When the lion falls in love with the lamb~”. Ok, reality check! Edward isn’t real, vampires aren’t too, but still being engulfed while reading the book was definitely worth my time. XD~ The author made Edward the perfect hottie for an ordinary girl, Bella Swan (This girl wanted to be a vampire too, though). It’s a story when a normal human being who falls in love with a vampire and is willing to risk her own life being with the vampire who might also thirst for her blood. I guess many webs provide review on Stephenie’s books. Plus, I still have 3 more books to go. Currently, recommending girls to read it because I’m not sure whether guys would read this type of books. Still, I know a few guys did. =P~ Aiyaa~~ (+_+)~ Wondering when am I’m able to finish all. Hopefully the next book is more enjoyable reading. Oh well, below are the characters and books according to numbers.

Twilight . New Moon . Eclipse . Breaking Dawn

The cute characters. XD~

For more information, visit:-


Charles T said...

it's a NO for guys. or at least i find it hard to get myself to read it.. the movie was not bad tho.. but its definitely more suited for girls.. dangerous forbidden love story :)

Hannah said...

correct2.. =P~ 2nd muvi new moon will be out in November..

John E said...

really ar charles? crap somemore la i malas to start reading.. hehe..

cant wait to c u all.. hehe..

Hannah said...

yerp2.. can't wait to see u all too!


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