Watched this movie during weekend. It was not bad. The story was full of suspense. It’s rated as PG13. The aliens were horrifying (due to human mutation and they feed on human on the ship). So, what do you do when you blur2 wake up from 8 years of sleep and find out that horrifying creatures are with you inside a ship? I’m providing just a quick glance of this horror movie review. This movie is about a ship filled with human population are on their way to a new planet called Tanis as Earth was already gone. It’s a one way ticket ship and humans onboard were filled into a tube to sleep. When a flight crew was awake on the ship, he finds very few people and was horrified when he saw aliens onboard hunt the humans inside that ship. He and his lieutenant then get on a mission to fix the broken ship and he finds out that the ship was already in Tanis. His lieutenant, Payton has a disease called Pandorum and he was responsible for the existence of the aliens in the first place. In the end, the flight crew, Bower manage to free himself out off the ship with other 1213 people who are yet to be awake when the ship was destroyed. :)
2013 started with Maria Alena
12 years ago
thanx 4 da review...i tink the story line almost similar to a movie long time ago..dun remember the title...both movie have a long sleep in tube...the journey to a planet from earth plus a girl dat coz the existence of the alien in the ship also the same...just the ending is a bit different...the human dat alive..the old movie just a few people[dun remember exact amount] but this movie a lot...
owhh.. previously, got one similar movie?? this one kinda like star trek with spaceship thingy but if dh tade movie nk tgk.. this movie also is alright.. :)
I liked this movie very much..This movie is very interesting ..i downloaded this movie from the can also Download Pandorum movie from the internet....
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